• Related questions:
    • What does knowing Ming entail?

    According to Confucianists’ moral philosophy, great emphasis is placed on knowing “Ming” as it is the only way to access the peace and tranquillity of the soul. One therefore has to know “Ming” in order to be happy, as success or failure in life does not depend on doing (what one does) but on “Ming”. Thus, what is Ming and what does it mean to know Ming?

    Confucianism is a philosophy of the life and the teachings of Confucius (also known as Kung fu Tzu), a Chinese sage; born in 551 B.C. in the state of “Lu” in eastern China. According to Confucius and his teachings, he never propounded new knowledge. His main mandate was to transmit the wisdom of the ancients, the traditional doctrines and cultural heritage of the Chinese people, to future generation. Confucianism is basically not the original work of Confucius. It is ancient traditional Chinese philosophy re-interpreted and transmitted to future generations by Confucius himself.
    A detailed account of Confucius’ life can be found in a Chinese biography known as “the historical records”. In this biography, we are told that Confucius was poor in his youth but later became a top political leader in his middle age. Later again, due to political plots and plans against him, he resigned his office appointment and went into exile. But, as a man of Jen he did not relent in his efforts, despite challenges. For over ten years, he kept travelling from state to state, hoping to find the opportunity to achieve his dreams of reforming China socially and politically. Although, there are no records that he succeeded in this dream until he died later in 479 B.C. the lesson learned from his life is that one should “do for nothing”.

    According to Confucius, Ming (often translated as “fate” or “destiny”) is the decree, rule, or the will of fate”. It is the total conditions and forces that exist in the whole universe of which the material success of our life’s activities depend solely on the cooperation of these conditions and forces. But, unfortunately, the “cooperation of these forces” is entirely beyond our control and so it is foolish to worry about, what is beyond our control. This is where the knowledge of “Ming” comes in, as one would be empowered to do what he is supposed to do, regardless of whether he succeeds or not. So, according to Confucius, acting in this way, is to know “Ming” and a proof that one understands the concept of “Ming”. He (Confucius) says that “only a superior man (a sage; a man of Jen (perfect virtue and love) can know and understand “Ming”.

    The concept of Ming plays a very core role in Confucianism. In Confucianism, the Superior man is one that acts and does things (politics, business, friendship e.t.c.) not because, he is ignorant of the risks and failures involved or, he is aware of the benefits but because “it is the right thing for him to do”. This explains why Confucius, as a great social and political reformer, kept on trying even in the face of tough and thick difficulties.  He acted for nothing which is the best mental attitude to adopt in this “frustrating world”.
    The knowledge of “Ming” helps us to perform our moral obligations without bothering or considering whether we’ll fail or succeed. Considering this will make us do what is demanded of us in society (the formal essence of “Yi”). Thus, from the idea of righteousness (acting out of Yi) comes the notion of “doing for nothing” (Ming) (i.e.) man should act, because he has to act and not for the sake of results and rewards. Unlike the Taoists who would say “ nothing”, the Confucianists say “ for nothing” as they hold that the real essence of man is in “acting or doing”. This is the basic reason, why it is extremely important and ideal to know and apply “Ming”. The consequence of not knowing “Ming” is that one may die of frustration and disappointment.


    In conclusion, the knowledge of “Ming” means accepting the fact, that we cannot control the phenomenon and happenings in this world and so we should not be affected by our failures and successes. In Jim Unah’s words, “Knowing “Ming” makes us actors and not spectators; it makes us virtuous men, always happy, brave and free from fear of anxiety, not small men who are always sad and weak.